Begins January 4, 2020

Watch Intro Video

What to Expect Video

4 WEEKS of HABITS for LIFE Content:

Practical learning that builds on each of the other weeks to support your HABITS for LIFE

  • Week #1: Mastering the Art of Showing up

  • Week #2: We Don't Rise to the Level of Our Goals

  • Week #3: The Most Important Question to Answer

  • Week #4: What to Do When it All Goes Wrong?

Bonus Experiences

In addition to the weekly content, released weekly on our AMAZING MONDAY, you also have these opportunities:

  • Community Discussions of Each Weekly Topic

    Every MONDAY in January 2020, there will be a LIVE Community experience ... the chance to discuss the content presented both during the Webinar presentation & Zoom community time.

  • Group Mentoring

    Each week you will have the opportunity to join with other like minded THRIVERS who are also developing HABITS FOR LIFE