Book 6 Coaching Sessions with DAN or SUZIE

Session frequency usually every 2-4 weeks. Please use this package within 6 months. Link inside to book your best time to meet on ZOOM.

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between COACHING and MENTORING?

    There are 3 main ways for SUPPORTING a person: 1. COUNSELING - mainly focusing on the PAST (we don't usually do this, though we often learn from things in the past and pull that forward to the present and future). 2. MENTORING - This is one of our specialties. It is when someone journeys with a person to help them grow in a skill or development. This is usually PRESENT focused, with a growth mindset foundation. We often use COACHING and MENTORING combined to learn and move forward, sharing tools and our own experiences to help the individual. 3. COACHING - This is FUTURE oriented. We use powerful QUESTIONS (usually WHAT and HOW?) and active LISTENING to help YOU DISCOVER what is going on from a multiple perspective discovery process, to help you come up with some ACTION STEPS to put into place between coaching sessions.

  • How often do you suggest we meet together for COACHING?

    Research shows that meeting every 2 weeks (preferably on the same day/time) is the best frequency for COACHING. This gives you time to put into action what you have processed in the previous COACHING session. It also allows you to prepare to discover your next steps during your upcoming COACHING session.

  • What if I prefer to have more of a MENTORING set of COACHING sessions?

    If you desire more of a MENTORING set of sessions with DAN or SUZIE, a timing of 1 X MONTH is the recommended frequency of your meetings. You can also set this up on Calendly (details and link inside the course).

  • Why 6 SESSIONS?

    6 Sessions are what we call a SERIES. You will usually choose 2-3 ISSUES that you want to process together at first. Usually when you get momentum in one area, you more quickly are able to move forward in other areas as well. It is always your choice where you want to start and what objective you want to accomplish in each COACHING session. We will ask you accountability questions at the start of each session, and take you where you are at for the time together.

  • How will I BOOK my sessions once I purchase this?

    We use a service called CALENDLY. Inside the course there is a link for your to choose YOUR BEST TIME, according to your time zone when we are available. You can choose to book one or multiple sessions at a time.

  • We look forward to meeting with you!

    Thanks so much for choosing DAN or SUZIE to meet with for your COACHING SESSIONS.

  • What if I have further QUESTIONS before I book my COACHING time?

    Feel free to contact SUZIE on WhatsAPP: +1-989-213-6271 or both of us by email: [email protected]

Pricing options

Choose your # of Payments for the 6 COACHING Sessions with DAN or SUZIE